
Hogar> Blog > 5 métodos de ahorro de costos de estampado de aluminio: (Guía de aluminio de estampado de metal 2020)

5 métodos de ahorro de costos de estampado de aluminio: (Guía de aluminio de estampado de metal 2020)


¿Qué utilidad tiene el aluminio para crear piezas de automóviles?

aluminum stamping

Hoy en día, el aluminio se considera una de las mejores aleaciones para utilizar en el estampado de metales. Y el Estampado de aluminio  está ganando gran popularidad por sus excelentes razones. Básicamente, el aluminio es un metal ideal para usar debido a su durabilidad. Además, es extremadamente ligero.

Hence, because of these fantastic benefits, aluminum has ability to transport the energy to the very long distances. Aluminum is really cost efficient. Moreover, it is best for getting maximum items with great accuracy.

So, it will be an ideal and flawless choice for your bulk productions. Let’s check out 5 amazing reasons to choose aluminum in metal stamping. And also check some additional benefits of Estampado de aluminio in automotive industry.

What is Metal Stamping?

Basically, stamping is a special technique which manufacturers use to form their required shapes. There are various materials which manufacturers use to form their specific shapes. However, metals have most beneficial advantages in comparison to any other material.

Por lo tanto, el proceso de estampado mediante el uso de metales se denomina estampado metálico.

Tipos de metales para utilizar en el estampado de metales

Hay varios tipos de metales para utilizar en el estampado de metales. Todos ellos tienen sus propios beneficios. Cada tipo de metal tiene una resistencia diferente y propiedades únicas. Por lo tanto, es muy importante que elija el mejor metal para sus necesidades especiales.

aluminum stamping suppliers

Además, todos los tipos de metales son buenos y beneficiosos. Pero depende totalmente de usted seleccionar el adecuado para sus necesidades. Estos son algunos de los tipos de metales más comunes y ventajosos.

Por ejemplo:

  • Aluminio
  • Acero inoxidable
  • Cobre
  • Latón
  • Níquel y muchos más.

¿Qué es la Estampado de aluminio ?

Estampado de aluminio  es en realidad estampado de metal en el que los fabricantes utilizan una aleación de aluminio. Además, el aluminio es extremadamente adecuado para estampar porque es un tipo de aleación muy fuerte. Además, tiene una gran trabajabilidad y una resistencia extrema.

El aluminio no solo permite producir productos de calidad sino que hay pocas posibilidades de que se produzca alguna debilidad en su producción. Hoy en día puedes notar fácilmente los componentes estampados con aluminio en tu rutina diaria. Los usos más populares del aluminio incluyen,

  • automotor
  • médico
  • aeroespacial
  • marina
  • electrónica y muchas más industrias que dependen de la estampación de aluminio.

Los componentes de aluminio son ideales para usar porque son de bajo peso. Por lo tanto, son la mejor opción para usar en la industria automotriz donde las piezas de bajo peso son elementos necesarios.

6 types of elements which manufacturers add in pure aluminum

In fact, manufacturers use 6 other important elements in the pure aluminum to get best aluminum parts. These 6 elements have ability to increase the essential properties of aluminum. Moreover, these elements are also helpful to improve the actual strength of aluminum.

aluminum stamping 2020

Basically, manufacturers add them only 15% of the total weight of aluminum. They have to use in a very small quantity but are essential for greater performance.

However, these 6 important elements are:

  1. Iron
  2. Cobre
  3. Silicon
  4. Zinc
  5. Magnesium

5 wonderful reasons to use aluminum in Estampado de aluminio

Today aluminum alloy has become one of the most popular metals in all over the world in estampación de aluminio. Aluminum becomes ideally flexible when it has processed in metal stamping. With the help of stamping you can create complex geometrical shapes of aluminum.

If we compare aluminum with steel, we find that it is more costly. But in spite of the cost aluminum is much light in weight. Moreover, it is natural corrosion resistance and its products have long life span.

Actually, aluminum becomes more flexible during the special process of stamping. Hence, in metal stamping you can form greatly complex geometrical shapes of aluminum products.

In addition, here are 5 amazing reasons to use aluminum in Estampado de aluminio.

  1. Greatest Strength Even in Low Temperature:

Aluminum alloy has not to face the problems like brittle cracking. It is greatly strong in very low temperatures. For example, when the environment's temperature reduces, it cannot leave bad effect on the aluminum products.

In fact, in low temperature, aluminum has ability to maximize its strength. The change in temperature can’t leave bad effects on the aluminum parts. Hence, aluminum components are highly suitable for low temperature.

2. Highly Resistant to Corrosion:

One of the best qualities of aluminum alloy is that it is highly corrosion resistant. Basically, it can generate a natural protective layer. Hence, when the aluminum objects come in the oxidizing environment this protective layer truly save it.

Actually, this protective layer has capability to save the Estampado de aluminio products' surface from corrosion. When you paint your aluminum objects, their corrosion resistance ability further improves.

  1. Great Conductivity for Thermal and Electricity:

Aluminum products actually have great conductivity for thermal and electricity. In fact, it is less conductive in comparison to copper. For example, it is only 60% conductive like copper. Aluminum alloy is best metal for the power transmission lines.

Moreover, it also has extreme conductivity for heat. And aluminum has got great popularity to use for heatsinks in several applications. Such as,

electronic devices

LED lights

computer motherboards and much more.

4. Extremely Flexible and Greatly Workable:

The ideal metal of Aluminum is highly flexible. Estampado de aluminio makes it more elastic in comparison to steel alloy. So, because of this great flexibility you can create even more complex shapes much easily. Moreover, aluminum has great workable quality than any other metal.

  1. Incredibly Lightweight:

Aluminum is actually much lower in weight in comparison to several other metals. Basically, its fixed weight is almost 2.71 g/cm3. This great feature makes it cheaper than any other popular metal, like steel.

So, all these great characteristics of aluminum like,

  • corrosion resistant
  • very easy in order to create products
  • naturally low in weight, etc.

makes it ideal to use in automotive industry.

Why Aluminum Stamping consider ideal in automotive industry?

Estampado de aluminio components has become the world's first choice for their natural properties. All of its good features have essentially needed in automotive industry. Since, aluminum is lightweight and corrosion resistant, so it is ideal to make parts for automobile sector.

Aluminum metal has ability to increase performance. This special alloy can generally improve fuel economy of auto industry. In spite of all these, it is really strong and durable metal. Among all other metals steel and aluminum are popular to use in motor vehicles.

Nowadays, by using aluminum, manufacturers are rapidly introducing most efficient vehicles. Furthermore, its great features have made it the world's second most famous metal in car industry.

So, all in all Estampado de aluminio can provide you,

  • Safer and strong
  • Greatly energy effective
  • Corrosion resistant

auto parts. Moreover, aluminum metal can easily provide you smooth and shiny excellent finish for latest models of auto vehicles. Aluminum has perfect weldability and remarkable strength. Hence all these amazing advantages make this metal ideal for automotive industry.

  Important applications of Estampado de aluminio

When we talk about radiant energy, aluminum is incredibly reflective. In fact, its perfect quality of nonmagnetic make it highly suitable to use in all industries.

Hence some important applications of aluminum metals are:

For Construction:

  • doors
  • windows
  • building wires
  • siding, etc.

Electronics devices:

  • CPUs
  • fin stock
  • transistors and many more.

Estampado de aluminio for Transportation:

  1. Automotive
  2. Trucks
  • Railroad cars
  1. Aircrafts
  2. Marine vessels
  3. Bicycles

Cooking utensils:

  • Mixers
  • Mixing pots
  • Pots
  • Blender parts
  • All residential parts
  • In whole equipment which manufacturers use in food and beverage processing.


All in all, aluminum has great properties than many other metals which manufacturers use in metal stamping. Moreover, it is best for,

  • Treating of heat ability
  • Great level of weldability
  • Strength
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Cost effective and so on.

So, choosing aluminum for your bulk productions will be your great and beneficial decision.

Because estampado de aluminio is a wise choice for several mass projects.

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