
Додому> Блог> Properties, Applications and Process of Aluminum Machining Part

Properties, Applications and Process of Aluminum Machining Part


Properties, Applications and Process of Aluminum Machining Part

Частина обробки алюмінію: властивості, застосування та процес

Machining is a process of forming, drilling, cutting, grinding, and shaping a piece of metal or other materials using various machine tools. Some metals require some form of machining during the manufacturing process; however, other materials such as rubbers, paper, and plastics are generally manufactured by machining processes. Precision machining is a type of machining that takes into account small cutting tolerances between 0.013 mm and 0.0005 mm. It is applied to a large number of tools and manufacturing methods. The various factors that influence the precision of a precision tool cut are stiffness, damping, and geometric precision.

Alumina, being a profitable material, is used in various ceramic products. It is packed with various properties and at a price that can easily be adapted to your financial plan. It is hard, waterproof, and has a high resistance and thermal conductivity. Due to its numerous mechanical and electrical properties, it is used in a wide range of applications. It can also be bonded to other metals using metallization and welding techniques to produce a wide range of products and applications.


Processing of alumina products can be carried out by single-axis pressing, isostatic pressing, slip casting, injection molding, etc. Overall, it is seen that many of the amazing properties of alumina can be improved by changing manufacturing methods and chemistry. Alumina exists in crystalline phases, which however makes the hexagonal alpha phase more stable at high temperatures.

Typical applications of alumina include:

  • Laser tubes
  • Seal sings
  • Medical prosthetics
  • Electronic substrates
  • Grinding media
  • Thread guides

Різний ступінь глинозему виникає в процесі обробки глинозему. З вмістом від 90 до 97% глинозем, як правило, є найбільш придатним для металізації завдяки своїй великій зернистій структурі. Загальний діапазон для пресованих марок та екструдованих форм становить від 98 до 99,95%. Перед процесом механічної обробки глинозем готують шляхом випікання оксиду алюмінію (Al2o3), який також включає певні склеювальні матеріали. Діапазон комерційно прийнятих відтінків, від 90 до 99,5%, використовується для отримання більшої твердості.

Після завершення процесу механічної обробки кінцевий продукт повинен бути покритий відповідним матеріалом, щоб можна було скоротити загальний термін його експлуатації. Доступні різні покривні матеріали, і кожен з них має різні переваги та недоліки. Існують різні характеристики матеріалу покриття, такі як твердість, зносостійкість, змащення поверхні, температура окислення, протисудомні засоби тощо. Нітрид алюмінію та титану, алмаз та хром-нітрид. Залежно від ваших потреб та переваг кожного покриття, ви можете вибрати той, який найкраще відповідає вашим потребам.

Поради щодо досягнення цілеспрямованого цеху обробки деталей з алюмінію

While working with a reliable, high-tech, and dedicated деталь для обробки алюмінію shop has been a popular choice for OEM metal part manufacturers, manufacturers, and suppliers, the job of finding a steady business has been a challenge. Simply owning an Aluminum machine is not suitable for precision finishing multiple objects, but it always requires qualified personnel, technological knowledge, knowledge in addition to quality control, and advanced production management. In the process of renting your Aluminum workshop, keep in mind certain factors that can help you achieve a consistent workshop, ideal to meet the needs of your business.


What you need to know is your aluminum machining capabilities in terms of production volume, the types of machining jobs being performed, the standard of the machines used that are essential to achieve a precision metal finish with High tolerance.

Remember that your desired деталь для обробки алюмінію shop must be equipped with a variety of Aluminum machines to meet your request for turning, punching for milling, or boring in manufacturing and finishing. Talk to the store owner and let them know the volume of their machining needs and also highlight the range of materials they work with. Not all workshops are equally prepared to work on materials ranging from stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, plastics to synthetic materials, which must be considered according to your current and future needs. , since working with a single-window is the best option.


In addition to the experience of machinists, programmers and technicians; For an aluminum machine shop, having the latest equipment and technological advances is essential to serve its customers. Visit the machinery section and find the types of equipment and software used, especially those that are essential to your prototypes. Please note that the owner or manager of a professional machine shop should be happy to take you inside the shop during the production phase and demonstrate the different work done on various Aluminum machines in the shop. Maintaining a well-equipped quality control service is an essential business policy for any machine shop to ensure the accuracy of components and parts that meet customer specifications.

Spare parts and delivery management

Certified to the ISO standard, your aluminum machine shop must boast quality management, standard, and consistency throughout the shop and in all of its operations that make them mass different. Good supplier raw material management and systematic maintenance of finished parts are essential until they are delivered to customers. Materials must be well packaged according to customer requirements and must be delivered well in advance. Confirm these factors before considering them as a trusted partner.

Continuous improvement

You should look for an ISO certified aluminum machine shop. It is an official recognition of the company to consider its standard to satisfy its supply needs to clients such as aviation, aerospace, military services, or manufacturers of medical devices, where precision is maintained. The product is vital. Study the group's corporate policy and organizational culture and make sure they aim for continuous quality improvement and services that help you grow together.

Market report

Get details of your customer list to whom they supply Aluminum machined finished products. See various samples developed by them for different companies. Knowing the reputation of the Aluminum machine shop in terms of quality, service, and commitment is essential. Contact some clients who have received services from them and learn more about the business before considering working with them.

Keep these tips in mind and you'll never go wrong with the best dealer for good deals, whether it's in the automotive or electronics industry.

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