Properti, Aplikasi, dan Proses Bagian Pemesinan Aluminium
2020-05-25Properti, Aplikasi, dan Proses Bagian Pemesinan Aluminium
Bagian Mesin Aluminium: Properti, Aplikasi dan Proses
Machining is a process of forming, drilling, cutting, grinding, and shaping a piece of metal or other materials using various machine tools. Some metals require some form of machining during the manufacturing process; however, other materials such as rubbers, paper, and plastics are generally manufactured by machining processes. Precision machining is a type of machining that takes into account small cutting tolerances between 0.013 mm and 0.0005 mm. It is applied to a large number of tools and manufacturing methods. The various factors that influence the precision of a precision tool cut are stiffness, damping, and geometric precision.
Alumina, being a profitable material, is used in various ceramic products. It is packed with various properties and at a price that can easily be adapted to your financial plan. It is hard, waterproof, and has a high resistance and thermal conductivity. Due to its numerous mechanical and electrical properties, it is used in a wide range of applications. It can also be bonded to other metals using metallization and welding techniques to produce a wide range of products and applications.
Processing of alumina products can be carried out by single-axis pressing, isostatic pressing, slip casting, injection molding, etc. Overall, it is seen that many of the amazing properties of alumina can be improved by changing manufacturing methods and chemistry. Alumina exists in crystalline phases, which however makes the hexagonal alpha phase more stable at high temperatures.
Typical applications of alumina include:
- Laser tubes
- Seal sings
- Medical prosthetics
- Electronic substrates
- Grinding media
- Thread guides
Different degrees of alumina occurs during the alumina machining process. With a content of 90 to 97%, alumina is generally the most suitable for metallization, due to its large grain structure. The common range for pressed grades and those with extruded shapes is between 98 and 99.95%. Before the machining process, the alumina is prepared by baking a form of aluminum oxide (Al2o3), which also includes certain bonding materials. The range of commercially accepted shades, between 90 and 99.5%, is used to generate greater hardness.
Once the machining process is complete, the final product must be coated with the appropriate material so that its overall useful life can be reduced. There are different coating materials available and each of them has different advantages and disadvantages. There are various characteristics of the coating material, such as hardness, wear resistance, surface lubricity, oxidation temperature, anticonvulsant, etc. Aluminum and titanium nitride, diamond, and chrome-nitride. Depending on your needs and the benefits of each coating, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
Tips to reach a committed aluminum machining part shop
Saat bekerja dengan cadang mesin aluminium yang telah menjadi pilihan populer bagi produsen, produsen, dan pemasok suku cadang logam OEM, pekerjaan untuk menemukan bisnis yang stabil telah menjadi tantangan. Hanya memiliki mesin Aluminium tidak cocok untuk menyelesaikan beberapa objek dengan presisi, tetapi selalu membutuhkan personel yang berkualifikasi, pengetahuan teknologi, pengetahuan selain kontrol kualitas, dan manajemen produksi yang maju. Dalam proses menyewa bengkel Aluminium Anda, ingatlah faktor-faktor tertentu yang dapat membantu Anda mencapai bengkel yang konsisten, ideal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.
What you need to know is your aluminum machining capabilities in terms of production volume, the types of machining jobs being performed, the standard of the machines used that are essential to achieve a precision metal finish with High tolerance.
Remember that your desired cadang mesin aluminium yang shop must be equipped with a variety of Aluminum machines to meet your request for turning, punching for milling, or boring in manufacturing and finishing. Talk to the store owner and let them know the volume of their machining needs and also highlight the range of materials they work with. Not all workshops are equally prepared to work on materials ranging from stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, plastics to synthetic materials, which must be considered according to your current and future needs. , since working with a single-window is the best option.
Selain pengalaman ahli mesin, pemrogram dan teknisi; Untuk mesin aluminium , memiliki peralatan dan kemajuan teknologi terkini sangat penting untuk melayani pelanggannya. Kunjungi bagian permesinan dan temukan jenis peralatan dan perangkat lunak yang digunakan, terutama yang penting untuk prototipe Anda. Harap diperhatikan bahwa pemilik atau manajer bengkel mesin profesional akan dengan senang hati membawa Anda ke dalam bengkel selama tahap produksi dan mendemonstrasikan pekerjaan berbeda yang dilakukan pada berbagai mesin Aluminium di bengkel. Mempertahankan layanan kendali mutu yang lengkap merupakan kebijakan bisnis yang penting bagi setiap bengkel mesin untuk memastikan keakuratan komponen dan suku cadang yang memenuhi spesifikasi pelanggan.
Suku cadang dan manajemen pengiriman
Certified to the ISO standard, your aluminum machine shop must boast quality management, standard, and consistency throughout the shop and in all of its operations that make them mass different. Good supplier raw material management and systematic maintenance of finished parts are essential until they are delivered to customers. Materials must be well packaged according to customer requirements and must be delivered well in advance. Confirm these factors before considering them as a trusted partner.
Continuous improvement
You should look for an ISO certified aluminum machine shop. It is an official recognition of the company to consider its standard to satisfy its supply needs to clients such as aviation, aerospace, military services, or manufacturers of medical devices, where precision is maintained. The product is vital. Study the group's corporate policy and organizational culture and make sure they aim for continuous quality improvement and services that help you grow together.
Market report
Dapatkan detail daftar pelanggan Anda kepada siapa mereka memasok produk jadi mesin Aluminium. Lihat berbagai sampel yang dikembangkan oleh mereka untuk perusahaan yang berbeda. Mengetahui reputasi toko mesin Aluminium dalam hal kualitas, layanan, dan komitmen sangat penting. Hubungi beberapa klien yang telah menerima layanan dari mereka dan pelajari lebih lanjut tentang bisnis tersebut sebelum mempertimbangkan untuk bekerja dengan mereka.
Ingatlah tip-tip ini dan Anda tidak akan pernah salah dengan dealer terbaik untuk penawaran bagus, baik itu di industri otomotif atau elektronik.