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Quy trình đùn nhựa: Quy trình sơn đùn


Quy trình đùn nhựa trở nên sống động

Trái với suy nghĩ của nhiều người, nhựa không phải là kẻ thù của chúng ta. Nhựa cung cấp cho chúng ta nguồn dinh dưỡng do đó quá trình ép đùn nhựa  là rất cần thiết. Mỗi nguyên liệu thô đều có một trạng thái cụ thể trước khi sửa đổi. Nhựa không xuất hiện một cách thần kỳ trong không khí loãng; nó có phần đầu thô theo sau là phần cuối đã xử lý.

The process of extrusion in itself is awe-inspiring. Massive machines are responsible for the procedure of plastic extrusion. All the plastic we have around today comes through the very same process. Take a look around, you can probably spot one or two things made from plastic. Plastic is not the problem; plastic disposal is the actual problem.

Without plastic, we would need to rely on less efficient material. Everything boils down to how we recycle plastic. We consider the Recycling options more after reports of rapid deterioration in earth’s state and nature, one such option is plastic extrusion.

Nhựa thô phải trải qua nhiều công đoạn khác nhau để biến đổi thành hình dạng như chúng ta thấy. Đùn nhựa dễ quản lý. Ngành công nghiệp nhựa đã chuyển từ sử dụng máy móc thông thường sang máy đùn hiện đại và thân thiện với người dùng. Máy đùn thực hiện hầu hết các công việc chính.

Plastic Extrude Process

Máy đùn chưa từng thấy

Như đã đề cập trước đó, máy đùn nhựa là yếu tố quan trọng nhất trong toàn bộ máy. Đùn nhựa đòi hỏi một khối lượng lớn công việc, chỉ được thực hiện bởi máy móc lớn.

Toàn bộ quá trình có thể mất nhiều thời gian nếu không có máy ép đùn và thậm chí sau đó, chất lượng sẽ không thể phi thường. Thiết bị đùn không chỉ làm cho nhựa có thể sử dụng được mà còn có thể tái chế các vật dụng bằng nhựa bỏ đi.

On closer inspection, the machine has quite an uncomplicated interior. The device comprises a screwdriver, barrel, screwdriver motor, and a hopper. Thus, warming the extrusion machine prior to the process allows it to run smoothly and chances of damage.

You can divide the whole quá trình ép đùn nhựa in the component of the machine however the rotating screw contributes the most in changing the shape and makeup

The thermostatic screw rotates in the machine; it has five possible zones. Feed zone or solids conveying zone is where the resin is pushed towards the extruder. So, the melting zone is where the majority of the polymer is melted consequently reducing channel depth. The third and final zone is where any remnants are melted and mixed to a uniform texture and temperature.

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Exploring the plastic extrude process up close

The plastic extrusion process unravels in a series of steps. The primary raw material included in the extrusion process is resin. Thus, the mixture of many organic compounds makes resin highly viscous and thermoplastic in nature. The input and output of an extrusion machine are physically unrecognizable.

Gravity allows the resin to land on the barrel from the hopper. So, the material is transferred to the rotating screw, which feeds it across to the heated barrel. The plastic beads melt in the heated barrel. Overheating of the barrel will cause degradation of raw materials

The effects of pressure and friction make in to action in the heating barrel. As soon as the screw drive is done with the resin, it travels through a screen pack to remove the slightest containment. The final step is the die. The die provides a profile to the final product. Molten plastic is enters the die and leaves it with a specific shape.

Almost any outline can be fulfilled but the only prerequisite is the profile must be continuous. A non-continuous profile relates closer to injection molding. After the whole process is over, the plastic is at very high temperatures.

The high temperature of plastic makes it hard for workers to handle it, causing accidents and unwanted injuries. This cooling process needs to be as fast as possible, luckily plastic cools down faster as compared to other resources.

Types of die: extrusion coating process

When it comes to extrusion, dies are no joke. Also, the presence of die causes continuous extrusion otherwise; the process would be similar to injection molding. Even if the dies are different from the outer structure, they provide the same services

The few major types of die are:

  1. Blown film extrusion: annual, spider and spiral
  2. Sheet/film extrusion: T-shaped, coat hanger
  3. Tubing extrusion: Annual, spider and spiral
  4. Over jacketing extrusion: Blended material
  5. Extrusion coating: Coating existing layer

Dies have their own structure so that the molten plastic can pass through them and take their form. Therefore, dies are usually flat or hollow depending on the product. Extrusion coating does not create a new form rather it covers the existing one. This process is similar to lamination in theory however they differ in terms of the substrate.

Materials subjected to extrusion coating are:

  1. Cereal grain
  2. Dry chemicals
  3. Aseptic containers
  4. Paper Clips
  5. Industrial wraps
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    Aluminum foil

Extrusion coating is a quicker process because the substrate only has to be coated, coating takes up half the time as creating a whole new form.

In extrusion coating, the substrate is moving. Thus, molten form resin is pushed through a horizontal slot die to bind around the substrate. A common example of an extrusion coating is tetra park. Materials are plastic-covered to increase durability, plastic coating gives off a sense of formality.

Plastic Extrude Process - china

Plastic extrusion Process-Take away

A plastic-free world is years away, if we want to be environmentally responsible the root cause of plastic pollution needs rectification. Undeniably the plastic extrude process is paving the way for proper plastic recycling. Recycled plastic can give added benefits to the economy and even the environment.

The plastic extrusion process is simpler than other techniques however this system is still undergoing a lot of changes. Thus, time will only tell the technological advancements lying ahead of us, until then the success of this process should be celebrated.

For more details regarding plastic extrusion contact us now.

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