




板金は、インフラストラクチャプロジェクトで使用される最も安定した材料の1つです。 ただし、板金スタンピング必要があります。 プロジェクトの安定した材料の1つとしての板金は、一般的なアプローチの1つです。 それを効率的に機能させるために; ただし、板金のスタンピングの概念と、それらが製造プロセスでどのように機能するかを理解する必要があります。 すべての人に使用されるさまざまな手順とオプションがあり、それらすべてがボードの使用方法を変更します。


基本的な考え方は、機械を用意するか、金属を正しい形状にプレスする手順を使用することです。 金属とさまざまな方法で得られる結果に影響を与えるスタンピングにはいくつかの種類があります。 曲げ、巻き付け、織り、穴あけ、またはコーティングによる金属の構成は、板金に使用される一般的な形状の一部です。 使用されるスタンピングのタイプごとに、正しい結果と金属の最も効果的な形状を得るために基本的な材料と組み合わされる異なる手順があります。

When you start working with sheet metal stamping, you will notice that different procedures are used, depending on the shapes you want to create. In some cases, stamping will go through a machine that automatically changes the shape of the metal with a single stamping. In other cases, it is necessary to use several steps, each of which will continue to redefine the metal in the desired form and create a different and more complex result for the material.

The latest development, which is used with stamping sheet metal, is known as simulation. This is a technology that was created in order to ensure the manufacture of metal in certain forms, while giving a sense of consistency to the created forms. The technology used combines various elements that work with metal to automatically change the formation of metal while protecting dysfunctions that may occur in the metal when used with alternative procedures.

Types of equipment used in stamping sheet metal

There are two types of equipment in stamping sheet metal: hydraulic and mechanical presses.

油圧プレスは、油圧を使用して、オペレーターが制御できる力を生成します。 彼らは20トンから数千トンまで何でも処理することができました。 それらは期待される力を提供するのに効果的であり、深絞り、成形(変位のタイプではなく力のタイプ)、およびコーティングまたは成形に最適です。

一方、機械プレスは機械フライホイールを使用しており、材料を突き刺すときに必要な労力を提供するために必要なエネルギーを供給することができます。 サイズは20トンから6000トンまでさまざまです。 表面排水や半製品をはるかに高速で実行したい場合は、油圧式の代わりに機械式プレスを使用する必要があります。

In this operation, the board is trimmed and then formed into a preferred shape. Although several different types of special machines can be used in the stamping process from sheet metal, the three most important basic elements are needed: a stamping mold, a stamping press, and the sheet metal from which the part will be made.

How does the stamping sheet metal process work?

The basic concept of stamping a sheet metal is the use of a machine for pressing metal to a given shape. The shapes can be simple, like a ring, like washers, and of different widths. More complex forms include spirals and electrical contacts in various forms. The metal sheets are usually formed by bending, embossing, weaving, coating, coating, and piercing. Each method gives the metal a different purpose, and often two or more methods are used to achieve the desired shape.

As today's electronic and infrastructural technologies change so quickly, the need for specialized sources increases dramatically. More complex Stamping Sheet Metal procedures must be performed to create a spring or wheel that serves a specific purpose in a structure or machine.

Most finished products are created on one machine in one process. Nevertheless, more and more stampings are carried out in several stages, which redefine the metal in the desired shape, at the same time its strength and durability. In recent developments, the stamping process is carried out by simulation. Through this process, the final metal products are obtained in perfect shape and with consistent quality.

Most Stamping Sheet Metal operations include cold stamping, with the exception of the specialized Stamping Sheet Metal method, commonly known as hot stamping. Essentially, this means that heat is not intentionally introduced into the sheet or mold. It is important to remember that although stamping is a cold stamping process, heat is generated. Cutting / forming sheets creates friction between the mold and the metal, similar to the heat and friction that occurs when rubbing hands. Since heat is generated by friction during cutting and molding, when stamped parts come out of the molds, they are often very hot.

An accurate understanding of this type of stamping is important for companies that make things the size of a microchip, and for those who produce things the size of a body for different car models. They could have their own machines and equipment for Stamping Sheet Metal, or they could just hire the services of metal stamping companies that could produce the necessary parts and deliver finished products to them. There are many other important factors to consider when printing stamps. Since Stamping Sheet Metal is a very common production process in the industry, it is best for companies to have the necessary equipment and knowledge to accurately and accurately complete this operation.


自動車部品に取り組んでいる場合でも、特定のプロジェクトで板金が必要な場合でも、これは必要な材料を改善する機会です。 板金のスタンピングは、金属を修正およびモデリングするための一般的なアプローチの1つであるため、あらゆるプロジェクトで役立ちます。 この素材の製造、設計、使用は使いやすくなり、さまざまな部品やプロジェクトでの作業に適しています。

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