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Apa itu Logam Lembaran dan Proses yang Terlibat


Konsep Stamping Logam Lembaran dan Proses Berkaitan

Sheet metal is one of the most stable materials used in the infrastructure project. However, it must first be pressed and molded in a process called sheet metal stamping in order to achieve the effect desired for the construction project. sheet metal as one of the stable materials for any project is one of the common approaches. To make it work efficiently; however, you will need to understand the concept of stamping sheet metal and how they work in the production process. There are various steps and options that are used for everyone, and all of them will change the way you use the board.


The basic idea is to have a machine or use a procedure that presses the metal into the correct shape. There are several types of stamping that will affect the metal and the results obtained in different ways. The configuration of a metal by bending, wrapping, weaving, piercing, or coating are some of the common shapes that are used for sheet metal. Each of the types of stamping used will have different procedures that are combined with the basic material to obtain the correct results and the most effective shape of the metal.

When you start working with sheet metal stamping, you will notice that different procedures are used, depending on the shapes you want to create. In some cases, stamping will go through a machine that automatically changes the shape of the metal with a single stamping. In other cases, it is necessary to use several steps, each of which will continue to redefine the metal in the desired form and create a different and more complex result for the material.

The latest development, which is used with stamping sheet metal, is known as simulation. This is a technology that was created in order to ensure the manufacture of metal in certain forms, while giving a sense of consistency to the created forms. The technology used combines various elements that work with metal to automatically change the formation of metal while protecting dysfunctions that may occur in the metal when used with alternative procedures.

Types of equipment used in stamping sheet metal

There are two types of equipment in stamping sheet metal: hydraulic and mechanical presses.

Hydraulic presses use hydraulics to create a force that the operator can control. They could process anything from 20 tons to several thousand tons. They are effective in providing the expected power and are best used for deep drawing, molding (the type of force, not type of displacement), and coating or molding.

On the other hand, mechanical presses use a mechanical flywheel, which can supply the energy necessary to provide the necessary effort when it comes time to pierce any material. Their size varies from 20 to 6000 tons. Those wishing to perform surface drainage and semi-finished products at a much higher speed should use mechanical presses instead of hydraulic ones.

Dalam operasi ini, papan dipangkas dan kemudian dibentuk menjadi bentuk yang disukai. Walaupun beberapa jenis mesin khas dapat digunakan dalam proses stamping dari logam lembaran, tiga elemen asas terpenting diperlukan: acuan stamping, penekan stamping, dan logam lembaran dari mana bahagian itu akan dibuat.

Bagaimana proses logam lembaran setem berfungsi?

Konsep asas mencetak logam lembaran adalah penggunaan mesin untuk menekan logam ke bentuk tertentu. Bentuknya sederhana, seperti cincin, seperti mesin basuh, dan lebarnya berbeza. Bentuk yang lebih kompleks merangkumi lingkaran dan kenalan elektrik dalam pelbagai bentuk. Lembaran logam biasanya dibentuk dengan membongkok, timbul, menenun, melapisi, melapisi, dan menindik. Setiap kaedah memberi logam maksud yang berbeza, dan selalunya dua atau lebih kaedah digunakan untuk mencapai bentuk yang diinginkan.

Oleh kerana teknologi elektronik dan infrastruktur hari ini berubah dengan begitu cepat, keperluan untuk sumber khusus meningkat secara mendadak. Prosedur Logam Lembaran Stamping yang lebih kompleks mesti dilakukan untuk membuat pegas atau roda yang berfungsi dengan tujuan tertentu dalam struktur atau mesin.

Sebilangan besar produk siap dibuat pada satu mesin dalam satu proses. Walaupun begitu, semakin banyak cap dilakukan dalam beberapa peringkat, yang mentakrifkan semula logam dalam bentuk yang diinginkan, pada masa yang sama kekuatan dan ketahanannya. Dalam perkembangan terkini, proses stamping dilakukan secara simulasi. Melalui proses ini, produk logam akhir diperoleh dalam bentuk yang sempurna dan dengan kualiti yang konsisten.

Most Stamping Sheet Metal operations include cold stamping, with the exception of the specialized Stamping Sheet Metal method, commonly known as hot stamping. Essentially, this means that heat is not intentionally introduced into the sheet or mold. It is important to remember that although stamping is a cold stamping process, heat is generated. Cutting / forming sheets creates friction between the mold and the metal, similar to the heat and friction that occurs when rubbing hands. Since heat is generated by friction during cutting and molding, when stamped parts come out of the molds, they are often very hot.

An accurate understanding of this type of stamping is important for companies that make things the size of a microchip, and for those who produce things the size of a body for different car models. They could have their own machines and equipment for Stamping Sheet Metal, or they could just hire the services of metal stamping companies that could produce the necessary parts and deliver finished products to them. There are many other important factors to consider when printing stamps. Since Stamping Sheet Metal is a very common production process in the industry, it is best for companies to have the necessary equipment and knowledge to accurately and accurately complete this operation.


Sama ada anda mengusahakan bahagian automotif atau anda memerlukan logam lembaran untuk projek tertentu, ini adalah peluang untuk memperbaiki bahan yang anda perlukan. Logam lembaran setem adalah salah satu pendekatan umum untuk mengubahsuai dan memodelkan logam, sehingga dapat membantu anda dalam apa jua projek. Pengeluaran, reka bentuk, dan penggunaan bahan ini menjadi lebih mudah digunakan dan memberikan anda kesesuaian yang sesuai ketika mengerjakan pelbagai bahagian dan projek.

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