
Tuis> Blog > Vinnige idees vir vervaardigers van prototipes 2020: Wat is vinnige CNC-bewerking en 3D-drukwerk?

Vinnige idees vir vervaardigers van prototipes 2020: Wat is vinnige CNC-bewerking en 3D-drukwerk?


Drie belangrike aspekte van vinnige prototiperingsmetodes en -tegnieke

Rapid prototyping manufacturers in china

Prototipering bestaan ​​daarin om 'n idee te gee, met die oog daarop om dit uit te probeer om die werking daarvan waar te neem, om die ontwerp uiteindelik te bekragtig. 
Vinnige vervaardiger van prototipes
 is noodsaaklik in die wêreld van die industrie. Hierdie modelle as gevolg van navorsing is die basis van groot prestasies.

Die meeste produkte, veral dié van tegnologie, was prototipes. Die ou tegnieke, wat die gebruik van tradisionele metodes vereis, is nou skaars. Die ontwikkeling en diversifisering van tegnologie het die innovasie van die vervaardiger.

Wat is vinnige prototipering? Vinnige vervaardiger van prototipes

Hierdie tegniek kom neer op die skep van 'n prototipe uit 'n digitale lêer, meer presies vanaf 'n CAD-model. Die werklike voorstelling van hierdie voorwerp kan vloei met behulp van verskillende tegnieke. Soos:

  • 3D-drukwerk
  • CNC-bewerking en
  • Termovorming wat die vorming daarvan uitvoer.

Hierdie vinnige vervaardigingsmetodes vir prototipes  maak dit moontlik om die gewenste prototipe vinnig te verkry. Dit kom met perfekte presisie en onmiskenbare gehalte, teen 'n relatiewe lae koste in vergelyking met konvensionele metodes.

This high-speed design gives the opportunity to rectify the model within a short time. Moreover, it proceeds without delay to its validation, or even to the production of the part.

What is a prototype?

A prototype designates the first, or one of the first copies of an industrial product.

Rapid Prototyping means all the techniques that allow the production by machines of models from CAD files in a very short time.

This goes as far as:

  • Foundry
  • Plastics
  • Machining
  • Tooling
  • Modeling, as long as there is no break in the digital chain. Like laser cutting for example.

This can range from the wax jewelry model to machine a life-size formula 1

Why Rapid prototyping manufacturer?

Product design and development is a very complex process for vervaardiger in big brands in general. Moreover, it is crucial for big projects.

Also, the manufacture of prototypes during the development of a product is necessary in order to obtain parts. Similarly, it will allow the validation of the project.

Validation of the project on: its aesthetics, its geometry, its functionality or its technology.

vinnige vervaardigingsmetodes vir prototipes brings new possibilities by making it possible to produce parts without molds or dies.

3D printing for rapid prototyping

3D printing
 is one of the techniques used to quickly produce prototypes. With this in mind, vervaardiger uses a 3D printer and modeling software.

The additive manufacturing process will allow the 3D printer to create the prototype layer by layer. It will respect all the details of the model, even the most sophisticated elements.

Afhangende van die toestelle en die gewenste ontwerp, kan verskillende soorte materiaal gebruik word. Soos:

  • Metaal  3D-drukwerk.

Wat prototipering betref, is die gebruikbare 3D-tegnologieë DMLS, MJF, SLS, polyjet, SLA en FDM.

Vinnige prototipe vervaardiger CNC-bewerking

CNC-bewerking is deel van die vinnige vervaardigingsproses vir prototipering. Hierdie tegniek is van kardinale belang vir prototipes wat hoë presisie benodig, aangesien die beginsel daarvan gunstig is vir eenheidsproduksie.

Die belangrikste toestelle wat gebruik word, is die freesmasjiene. vinnige vervaardigingsmetodes vir prototipes  beheer dit deur die aangepaste rekenaarprogram en die 3D-lêer van die prototipe.

Anders as 3D-drukwerk, gebruik CNC-bewerking die aftrekmetode. Dit bestaan ​​uit die sny van die gewenste voorwerp uit 'n blok materiaal, soos metaal en plastiek.


Termovorming consists of melting material under heat and depositing it in the mold. The pouring of this material into the mold can be done by injection, depending on the system used.

The advantages of Rapid prototyping manufacturer

These techniques have revolutionized the way of creating prototypes. Whatever system is used, the advantages are:

  • reducing the manufacturing cost
  • the production of a prototype exactly identical to the preconceived model
  • The speed of conception.

The rapid prototyping brings together a set of tools which, arranged between them. They make it possible to achieve intermediate representation projects for product design.

  • digital models
  • models
  • prototypes and
  • Pre-series.

These models will help to validate the different functions that the product must fulfill. For instance:

  • functions of sign
  • use
  • exchange and

Three important aspects of Rapid prototyping manufacturer

vinnige vervaardigingsmetodes vir prototipes incorporates three essential concepts.

  1. Time
  2. cost and
  3. complexity of forms.

Time: the objective of rapid prototyping is to rapidly produce the models. It has the aim of reducing product development times.

Cost: rapid prototyping enables prototypes to be produced without the need for expensive tools. Moreover, it also guarantees the performance of the final product.

We are therefore able to explore different variants of the product being developed in order to select the most appropriate solution.

Complexity of forms: machines proceeding by adding material are capable of producing extremely complex forms. It cannot be achieved by processes.

Die vervaardigde modelle sal ook help om die produk te bekragtig. Daarbenewens sal dit nagaan of dit in ooreenstemming is met die funksies wat daaraan gekoppel is.

Rapid prototyping manufacturer in china


Vinnige prototipering bring 'n stel gereedskap bymekaar wat die intermediêre elemente van produkontwerp skep: digitale modelle, modelle en prototipes.
Dit sal dit dus moontlik maak om van die uitvindingsfase na die produksiefase te gaan, en om die verskillende gereedskap en metodes van laasgenoemde te ontwerp.

Aangesien die wêreld besig is om nuwe tegnologie te verbeter, is innovasie-oplossings van kardinale belang. Bowenal is die vinnige prototipes noodsaaklik vir vinniger produksie.

If you are looking for a professional rapid prototyping, you need not to go anywhere. is a hub of expert rapid prototype manufacturers.

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