
ቤት> ብሎግ> 2 Major types of Aluminum Extrusion Process (step by step extrusion)

2 Major types of Aluminum Extrusion Process (step by step extrusion)

2020-10-01 እ.ኤ.አ.

የአሉሚኒየም የማስወጫ ሂደት ምንድ ነው? (Extrusion የአልሙኒየም መመሪያ 2020)

Today, የአሉሚኒየም የማስወጫ ሂደት is widely used in the construction of structures, and especially in such structures as:

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Partitions
  • ventilated and
  • translucent facades

To extrude is to force the passage of a material through an orifice. In industry in general, the extrusion of a material is used to shape it and confer certain characteristics

Aluminum Extrusion Process

What is aluminum extrusion process?

የመጫን ወይም የማስወጣት ሂደት በአሉሚኒየም መገለጫዎች እና በነሐስ ፣ በናስ ፣ ከማይዝግ ብረት ወይም ከቲታኒየም ጋር ሊተገበር ይችላል ፡፡ ምንም እንኳን በዝቅተኛ የማቅለጫ ቦታው (በ 500 ዲግሪ ሴንቲ ግሬድ) ምክንያት የተስፋፋው የአሉሚኒየም ማስወጫ ቢሆንም ፡፡

1.1. አሉሚኒየም እና ብረት

የማስወገጃው ሂደት የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫዎችን ከ 10 እስከ 800 ሚሜ ባሉት ስፋቶች ለማምረት ያደርገዋል ፡፡ ላልተገደቡ የተለያዩ የመስቀለኛ ክፍል ቅርጾች ምስጋና ይግባው ፡፡ ከአልሙኒየም አዲስ የወጣውን ክፍል ለመሥራት የመሣሪያዎች ዋጋ ከተጠቀለለው የብረት ክፍል ከመሥራት ይልቅ በጣም ርካሽ ነው ፡፡

በተጨማሪም ፣ ሟቹን በሚቀይርበት ጊዜ የማስወገጃው ማተሚያ ጊዜ በጣም ትንሽ ነው ፡ የብረት መገለጫዎችን በማምረት ውስጥ የሚሽከረከር ወፍጮ ጥቅልሎችን በሚወስድበት ጊዜ ምክንያት ነው ፡፡

Therefore, aluminum extrusion process produces extruded aluminum profiles. An aluminum extrusion company can carry the order according to customer drawings in order to fulfill specific tasks in a structure or product. One of the main features of the extrusion process of profiles is that they can have very thin elements.

1.2. Direct compression method: aluminum extrusion process

Aluminum profile production technology or how aluminum products are made.

The technology for manufacturing an aluminum profile is a complex process. But in order to have an idea of ​​this process, it is enough to know the basics. And in this article in a simple and understandable form, we will try to outline the whole essence of aluminum extrusion process.

So where does it all start?

At very high temperatures in production, aluminum poles are cast from aluminum raw materials. Then there is the extrusion (pressing) of the aluminum profile. There can be the process of manufacturing products from aluminum.

Aluminum extrusion process technology

First, the heating of the die starts.

What is a die?

This is a tool in the shape of which an aluminum profile is extruded. If a standard profile is made, then the tool for it is usually available at the casting factory. If we are talking about the production of a non-standard profile, then the required die is made in advance.

  • Billets are loaded into the extrusion line.
  • At a very high temperature, the process of heating aluminum to a plastic state takes place.
  • The heated workpieces are cut with a saw.
  • The aluminum is then loaded into a press and a high pressure extrusion process takes place.

መሞቱ በፕሬስ ውስጥ ተጭኗል ፡፡ እና የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ በተዘጋጀው መሣሪያ በኩል ይወጣል ፡፡ እና በተወሰነ መጠን በራስ-ሰር ይቆረጣል። ስለዚህ የአሉሚኒየም የማስወጫ ሂደት እንደምናነበው ቀላል አይደለም ፡

የተገኘው የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ እኩል ነው ፡፡ ‹የመለጠጥ› ሂደት ይከናወናል ማለት እንችላለን ፡፡

በሚቀጥለው ደረጃ ግን የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ በደንበኛው ትእዛዝ መሠረት ወደ ልኬቶች እየተቆረጠ ነው ፡፡

በራስ-ሰር እና በእኩልነት ፣ መገለጫው በልዩ ምድጃ ውስጥ ለሙቀት ማጠራቀሚያ ውስጥ ይቀመጣል። ይህ የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ ጥንካሬውን ይሰጠዋል።

The product from the አልሙኒየምዝግጁ ነው! በመቀጠልም ፕሮፋይሉ ብዙውን ጊዜ በፎርፍ እና ከዚያም በካርቶን ውስጥ ተሞልቷል ፡፡

በተጠየቀ ጊዜ ከአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ የተጠናቀቀው ምርት በማንኛውም ቀለም የተቀባ ዱቄት ሊሆን ይችላል ፡፡ ደረጃው በ RAL ካታሎግ መሠረት ቀለም የተቀባ ነው።

የአሉሚኒየም ማስወጫ ዓይነቶች

የአሉሚኒየም የማስወጫ ሂደት በጣም የተለያዩ ትግበራዎች ጋር ማስማማት ሲሉ ከብረት billet ሲለጠጡና የሚከሰተው. ሁሉም የሚጀምረው በጨረታው ነው ፡፡ ይህ ቀዳዳውን ካሳለፈ በኋላ እነዚያን ሞዴሎች ለተለየ ተግባራዊነት ይተገብሯቸዋል ፡፡ በተጨማሪም ፣ በሲቪል ግንባታ እና በተጠናቀቁ ምርቶች ውስጥ ጥቅም ላይ የዋሉ የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫዎችን ይሠራል ፡፡
Aluminum Extrusion Process 2020

2 የአሉሚኒየም ማስወጫ ዘዴዎች

በማንኛውም የማስወገጃ ሂደት ውስጥ ሥራውን ለማከናወን ሁለት መንገዶች አሉ ፣ እነሱም በእቃው ቀጥተኛነት ላይ የሚመረኮዙ ፡፡ በአሉሚኒየም ረገድ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለው ዘዴ ከፍተኛ የሙቀት መጠን ማስወጫ ነው ፡፡

The phenomenon is similar to the operation of an injection syringe. The aluminum billet is injected at high pressure and temperature and is propelled to a mold. Through which it gains the desired shape. After this step, it takes the form of a solid part and can be cut as the manufacturer wishes.

How to classify aluminum extrusion process?

Due to its immense use in civil construction and the furniture industry, the aluminum extrusion process has an infinite variety of profiles. They can be classified as solids, in which the cross section has no gaps circumscribed by metal.

The tubular profile, on the other hand, is one that presents a cross section with at least one void totally circumscribed by metal. There are also semi tubular profiles, whose cross sections have voids partially circumscribed by metal.


Despite the malleability of aluminumaluminum extrusion process allows any type of extrusion. There are some groups of alloys. They imply a greater range of properties for the extrusion, giving maximum efficiency in the process. Each of them has individual characteristics.

They can be easily extruded; others require a more complicated process, which even involves reducing the speed of extrusion

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