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2 Major types of Aluminum Extrusion Process (step by step extrusion)


Ce este procesul de extrudare din aluminiu? (Ghid de extrudare aluminiu 2020)

Today, extrudare din aluminiu is widely used in the construction of structures, and especially in such structures as:

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Partitions
  • ventilated and
  • translucent facades

To extrude is to force the passage of a material through an orifice. In industry in general, the extrusion of a material is used to shape it and confer certain characteristics

Aluminum Extrusion Process

What is aluminum extrusion process?

The pressing or extrusion process can be applied to aluminum profiles and bronze, brass, stainless steel or titanium. Although it is the extrusion of aluminum that has become widespread due to its low melting point (about 500 ° C).

1.1. Aluminum and steel

The extrusion process makes it possible to produce aluminum profiles in widths from 10 to 800 mm. Thanks to an unlimited range of various cross-sectional shapes. The cost of tools for making a new extruded section from aluminum is much cheaper than for making a rolled steel section.

Moreover, the downtime of the extrusion press when changing the die is significantly less. It is due to the time it takes to change the rolls of a rolling mill in the production of steel profiles.

Therefore, procesul de extrudare a aluminiului produces extruded aluminum profiles. An aluminum extrusion company can carry the order according to customer drawings in order to fulfill specific tasks in a structure or product. One of the main features of the extrusion process of profiles is that they can have very thin elements.

1.2. Direct compression method: aluminum extrusion process

Aluminum profile production technology or how aluminum products are made.

The technology for manufacturing an aluminum profile is a complex process. But in order to have an idea of ​​this process, it is enough to know the basics. And in this article in a simple and understandable form, we will try to outline the whole essence of procesul de extrudare a aluminiului .

So where does it all start?

At very high temperatures in production, aluminum poles are cast from aluminum raw materials. Then there is the extrusion (pressing) of the aluminum profile. There can be the process of manufacturing products from aluminum.

Aluminum extrusion process technology

First, the heating of the die starts.

What is a die?

This is a tool in the shape of which an aluminum profile is extruded. If a standard profile is made, then the tool for it is usually available at the casting factory. If we are talking about the production of a non-standard profile, then the required die is made in advance.

  • Billets are loaded into the extrusion line.
  • At a very high temperature, the process of heating aluminum to a plastic state takes place.
  • The heated workpieces are cut with a saw.
  • The aluminum is then loaded into a press and a high pressure extrusion process takes place.

The die is installed in the press. And the aluminum profile is extruded through the prepared tool. And it is automatically cut to a certain size. So you can see extrudare din aluminiu is not as simple as we read it.

The resulting aluminum profile is leveled. We can say the process of "stretching" takes place.

But at the next stage, the aluminum profile is being cut into dimensions according to the order from the client.

Automatically and evenly, the profile is placed in a tank for heat in a special oven. This gives the aluminum profile its strength.

The product from the aluminiu profile is ready! Next, the profile is usually packed in foil and then in cardboard.

La cerere, produsul finit din profilul de aluminiu poate fi vopsit cu pulbere în orice culoare. Standardul este vopsit conform catalogului RAL.

Tipuri de extrudare din aluminiu

Procesul de extrudare din aluminiu are loc deformarea plăcii metalice pentru a o adapta la cele mai diferite aplicații. Totul începe de la tichetă. Aceasta, după ce trece printr-o gaură, o modelează pentru o aplicabilitate specifică. În plus, formează profilele din aluminiu utilizate în construcțiile civile și în produsele finite.
Aluminum Extrusion Process 2020

2 metode de extrudare din aluminiu

În orice proces de extrudare, există două moduri de a face treaba, care depind de ductilitatea materialului. În cazul aluminiului, metoda utilizată este extrudarea la temperaturi ridicate.

Fenomenul este similar cu funcționarea unei seringi de injecție. Paleta de aluminiu este injectată la presiune și temperatură ridicată și este propulsată către o matriță. Prin care capătă forma dorită. După acest pas, acesta ia forma unei părți solide și poate fi tăiat după cum dorește producătorul.

Cum se clasifică procesul de extrudare a aluminiului?

Datorită utilizării sale imense în construcțiile civile și industria mobilei, procesul de extrudare a aluminiului are o varietate infinită de profile. Ele pot fi clasificate ca solide, în care secțiunea transversală nu are goluri circumscrise de metal.

Profilul tubular, pe de altă parte, este unul care prezintă o secțiune transversală cu cel puțin un gol complet circumscris de metal. Există, de asemenea, profile semi-tubulare, ale căror secțiuni transversale au goluri parțial circumscrise de metal.


Despite the malleability of aluminum, procesul de extrudare a aluminiului allows any type of extrusion. There are some groups of alloys. They imply a greater range of properties for the extrusion, giving maximum efficiency in the process. Each of them has individual characteristics.

They can be easily extruded; others require a more complicated process, which even involves reducing the speed of extrusion

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