
Hogar> Blog > ¿Cuáles son las precauciones para el procesamiento de piezas de estampado de precisión?

¿Cuáles son las precauciones para el procesamiento de piezas de estampado de precisión?


En comparación con las piezas fundidas y forjadas, el procesamiento de piezas de estampado de precisión tiene ventajas obvias. La estampación en metal puede producir piezas de trabajo difíciles de fabricar con otros métodos de procesamiento. Debido al uso de moldes de precisión, la precisión de la pieza de trabajo puede alcanzar el nivel de micras y la repetibilidad es alta. En el proceso de procesamiento, necesitamos estandarizar la operación en principio para garantizar la calidad de nuestros productos procesados. Precauciones comunes para procesar piezas de estampado de metal de precisión, echemos un vistazo a continuación.

First, the stamping die problem
The quality of precision metal stamping is largely determined by the stamping die. The quality of a metal stamping part is mainly affected by the mold design ideas and mold materials. If the quality of the stamping die is not good, it will lead to a significant reduction in production efficiency, stamping accuracy and service life.

Second, the transportation of stamping parts
When the metal stamping parts are transported, they must be packed well. Because during the logistics transportation process, the stamping parts will be deformed or scratched due to bumps.

Third, the stamping plant production problems
Attention should also be paid to the level of workers' stamping operations. Many metal stamping factories also do not have a perfect training system, which results in workers having no awareness of product quality and operating punches in violation of regulations, resulting in product quality problems. On the other hand, the wages of stamping workers are low, the labor intensity is high, and the working environment is harsh, and the product quality will be affected. In the stamping plant, bumps and scratches on the surface of the product caused by the rough actions of the workers can often be seen.

Fourth, enterprise management issues
The quality inspection department of precision metal stamping enterprises plays a vital role in the entire enterprise, and the quality inspection department must be independent. The quality inspection departments of many enterprises are affiliated with other departments and cannot be independent. This has caused great problems for the quality control of metal stamping parts.

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