
Hogar> Blog > ¿Cómo ayuda la creación rápida de prototipos profesionales a los diseñadores en herramientas complejas?

¿Cómo ayuda la creación rápida de prototipos profesionales a los diseñadores en herramientas complejas?


¿Qué es la creación de prototipos, el proceso básico de la creación rápida de prototipos profesional?


La es en realidad el proceso básico de creación de prototipos. El prototipo es básicamente la forma inicial de cualquier diseño complejo. Los diseñadores lo crean para un propósito específico. Utilizan la creación de prototipos para probar la funcionalidad de cualquier proyecto importante. Por lo tanto, mediante la creación de prototipos, pueden evitar fácilmente todas las molestias que vienen después.

Además, con un buen prototipo, podemos hacer que el diseño final de aplicaciones complejas sea el mejor en todos los sentidos. No es necesario que tenga todas las características de un diseño final. Pero debe tener la capacidad de probar funciones específicas e importantes.

¿Qué es la creación rápida de prototipos profesional?

La creación rápida de prototipos profesional  es el tipo de creación de prototipos que ayuda al diseñador a descubrir y finalizar sus ideas finales en poco tiempo. Entonces, con la ayuda de él, crean diseños perfectos de formas 3D  en menos tiempo. Este es un término un poco más nuevo y mejor.

En realidad, es el procedimiento de establecer prototipos para evaluar el diseño de un producto de ingeniería mucho más rápido, tanto funcional como visualmente. Con la ayuda de la creación rápida de prototipos, puede finalizar rápidamente su diseño complejo cooperando con:

  • Engineers
  • Managers

The more advice you have the better results you will get.

What are the five main factors that can improve La creación rápida de prototipos profesional ?

There are in fact five main factors that can improve Prototipos rápidos profesionales.

And these are:

  1. Purpose
  2. Quantity
  3. Quality
  4. Complexity
  5. Cost

Hence, by following these five factors designers can improve the results of prototyping.

Where can designers use the Professional Rapid prototyping?

The biggest advantage of rapid prototyping is that, designers can use it at any stage of their product development. And most importantly rapid prototyping can be used multiple times. While you are finalizing the product design. As we know designers use prototyping in following processes like:

  • Semantics
  • Software programming
  • Application development.

But all these terms have the same purpose.

How many types of Laare there?

There are basically seven types of rapid prototyping. And these are:

Professional Rapid Prototyping in china

1) Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

2) Stereo lithography (SLA)

3) Material Jetting

4) Sheet Lamination

5) Digital Light Processing (DLP)

6) Binder Jetting

7) Powder Bed Fusion

Here is a brief description of all the types that are described above.  

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS):

Designers use it in both type of Prototipos rápidos profesionales like, plastic and metal prototyping. Its layers use SLS process in prototyping. However, SLS is not good in comparison of SLA. Because using SLS prototyping, designers have to do some extra work. Because, in SLS prototyping the final product has tough and hard surface.

Vat Photo polymerization

It was very first prosperous and profitable method of 3D printing. And it is also a cost effective procedure. In this technique, photosensitive liquid has used for bathing the layers.

Material Jetting

It helps us in following manners. Such as:

  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to use

It has mostly use in non-industrial desktop 3D printers. This technique of Lais very inexpensive, rapid and improving very fast. And it is also perfect for the development of product.

Sheet Lamination or Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)

This method has no requirements for particularly controlled conditions. It is also low cast. We find it less complex in comparison of SLS and SLM.

In order to fabricate the design of CAD pattern, LOM creates a sequence of quite thin laminations. And these laminations are cut with the help of laser beams. In order to complete the whole part, every single layer has arranged on top of each other.

Furthermore, mostly used and familiar types are here

Digital Light Processing (DLP)

In this method of DLP, designers use polymerization of gums like the SLA method. It recovers in a more conventional light way than the SLA. This method of Prototipos rápidos profesionales is cheaper and faster than SLA. The CLIP is an alternative version. And it is also very cheap and extremely easy to use.

Binder Jetting

Even though, these parts are not as strong as those made from SLS. But this technique is capable of publishing more than one part.

Binder jetting actually use a powder bed inside itself. When all the parts havejoined together with the help of powder bed. Then they are placed in the oven. So that the binding agent can be burned to give an integrated shape.

Powder Bed Fusion

Este método de La tiene la capacidad de crear piezas más potentes y complejas. Y se conoce comúnmente como Power Bed Fusion. Se ha utilizado principalmente en lo siguiente:

  • Automotor
  • Defensa
  • Industrias médicas.

En esta creación de prototipos, los diseñadores utilizan la mayoría de los materiales SLM habituales, que se han utilizado en RP que contienen

  • Aluminio
  • Titanio
  • Aleaciones de cobalto y cromo
  • Acero inoxidable

¿Cuál es la principal diferencia entre la impresión 3D y el Prototipos rápidos profesionales ?

Como sabemos, RP es el resultado final de cualquier producto. Pero el 3D es básicamente un procedimiento de fabricación. Además, la impresión 3D se puede utilizar más en la fabricación de prototipos rápidos. Entonces, la creación rápida de prototipos no es lo mismo que la impresión 3D. Pero se utiliza principalmente en el proceso de creación rápida de prototipos.

What are the advantages of Prototipos rápidos profesionales ?

Here are some advantages of Prototipos rápidos profesionales. These are:

  • Reduces the time of developing and design
  • Decrease or remove the risk
  • Capability to assess ergonomics and human factors
  • Reduces the cost of total product developing
  • Permits the testing of functions
  • Expands and improves the involvement of user
  • It is  quite safer


Rapid prototyping also supports its designers to represent new and advanced ideas. It presents its latest notions and ideas in front of clients, board members and investors.  And in this way, they can easily understand and accept a product or production.

What are disadvantages ofPrototipos rápidos profesionales ?

  • Shortage of correctness
  • Added primary costs
  • Many rapid prototyping procedures are quite costly and not economical
  • Material characteristics such as potency and surface finish cannot be matched
  • Involves skilled labor
  • The range of materials is limited
  • Certain key parts cannot be prototyped
  • Users are confused because customers do not understand them properly.

What are the application areas of Prototipos rápidos profesionales ?

The designers use this technique for the purpose of quick preparation of the represented parts. They configure it to check the different stages of complex and large devices. At first, they use it only in the automotive industry. But now it is used in many industries like:

  • Aerospace

Nowadays, Prototipos rápidos profesionales has become the most essential feature for the development of new and advanced products.  Moreover, here are some benefits which can be achieved through rapid prototyping. And these are:

Functionality testing

It allows the designers to test the functions. Hence by rapid prototyping we can easily finalize the final design.

Final verification:

It helps to test the final design.  Laalso helps to verify the business objectives and technical requirement.

Early stage design validation

It helps in confirmation of the design's early stages. And also helps to validate the design.

How much is the cost of RP?

The price of RP usually relies on various factors like:

  • Size and volume of the parts that designers fabricate
  • Type of materials which designers use to develop RP
  • And the last factor is, how much post manufacturer processing, designer’s need.


Hence Prototipos rápidos profesionales has become a world leading prototyping these days.

It is more reliable because it is rapid and speedy in its application. And customers get results of their desired product in no time. This process of prototyping is cost-effective also. So, we can adopt it without any hassle.

Because it is a physical version of the desired product, so it is very easy to solve its problem.It helps big companies to keep their competition with their rivals. Because of the rapid development of products and technology has become the key feature of success. So, rapid prototyping has turn into the most essential part of the latest development.

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