
ቤት> ብሎግ> What are the reasons for errors in CNC machining parts

What are the reasons for errors in CNC machining parts

2020-04-07 እ.ኤ.አ.

What are the reasons for errors in CNC machining parts

የ አሠራር ወቅት CNC የማሽን መለዋወጫ ክፍሎች ማዕከል, ወደ ቦረቦረ እና ነት መካከል የተወሰነ ክፍተት አለ. የመሳሪያዎቹ የሥራ ጊዜ እየጨመረ ሲሄድ በአለባበስ ምክንያት ክፍተቱ ቀስ በቀስ ይጨምራል ፡፡ ስለዚህ በተገላቢጦሽ እንቅስቃሴው ላይ ያለው ተመጣጣኝ ክፍተት ማካካሻ በማሽኑ ወለል ላይ የተፈጠሩትን ትከሻዎች ለማሸነፍ ዋናው ነገር ነው ፡፡ ክፍተቱ መለካት ብዙውን ጊዜ የስህተት ቁጥጥርን የሚፈልግ የመደወያ መለኪያ መለኪያ ዘዴን ይጠቀማል። ሆኖም የመለኪያ መሰረቱን እና የመለኪያ ዘንግ በጣም ረጅም ወይም ረዥም ማራዘም እንደሌለባቸው ልብ ሊባል ይገባል ፣ ምክንያቱም በመለኪያ ሂደት ውስጥ ከረጅም ከረሜላ የተነሳ የመለኪያ መሰረቱ በኃይል ስለሚንቀሳቀስ ትክክለኛ ያልሆነ ቆጠራ እና ካሳ ያስከትላል ፡፡ እሴቶች ስህተት


Improper tool selection in CNC machining can also cause dimensional errors. During the cutting process, the tool removes material through the main cutting edge. However, after the arc passes through the quadrant and the arc is tangent to the second cutting edge of the tool, the second cutting edge may participate in cutting. Therefore, when selecting or grinding a tool, the wedge angle of the tool must be carefully considered.

During CNC machining, if the machining allowance is not uniform, an error may occur. In the process of achieving part design performance, whether the machining allowance of the CNC machining surface is even or not is also an important reason for whether the molding surface can meet the design requirements. Because the machining allowance is not uniform, it is easy to cause "remapping" errors. Therefore, for parts with high surface shape requirements, the manufacturing allowance should be as uniform as possible before forming, or multiple contours should be processed to meet the design requirements.

CNC machining has clear regulations on the workshop environment, and the heat source needs to be reduced: the focus is on the spindle bearing speed, clearance adjustment and reasonable preload. For thrust bearings and tapered roller bearings, due to their poor working conditions and high heat generation, thrust angular contact ball bearings can be used when necessary to minimize friction and heat generation of certain parts. CNC machining also requires heat insulation: keep the heat source away from the spindle, such as isolating the motor and transmission, using separate transmission, etc. CNC machining also needs heat dissipation: strengthen lubrication and cooling, and use oil cooling, air cooling and other methods to speed up heat dissipation. Reducing the influence of thermal deformation: No matter which method is adopted, it can only reduce thermal deformation, and it is difficult to completely eliminate thermal deformation. Therefore, measures should also be taken to reduce the effects of thermal deformation.

The above explanation is the reason for the error of CNC machining parts. I hope it will be helpful to you after reading. If you want to learn more about CNC machining parts, please contact customer service online or call our service hotline (Upper right corner of the website) For consultation, we will provide you with quality service wholeheartedly!

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