New Energy Equipment
21/03/2020Globally, one of the industries that rely most heavily on precision manufacturing of equipment is the energy sector. From oil and gas equipment manufacturing to machining nuclear components. We know from experience what’s on the line when one of our energy clients contacts us with an order. Of course, time is of the essence. Since even a minor shutdown can mean huge costs for a CNC energy equipment company. Additionally, worker safety and field use are taken into consideration. Every component we deliver must meet the strictest durability and quality guidelines.
In addition to our experience in the oil, gas, electrical and nuclear sectors. We're also highly skilled at producing renewable energy components for solar and wind energy. That’s why, whether you’re looking for a precision-made valve on a piece of oil extraction equipment or a crucial component for use in a wind turbine, Essai, Inc. has the in-house expertise and world-class facility to meet your needs, budget and deadline.
CNC Machining Importance
The risk of fire in the oil and gas industry, the wear and tear on wind turbines, the control and safety concerns in the nuclear sector — these are just some of the factors that contribute to the unique challenges faced by the energy sector on a daily basis. It’s for all these reasons and more that computer numeric control (CNC) machining is such a critical element in the manufacturing and machining of energy sector equipment. Regardless of whether it’s a safety valve for use in a fire suppression assembly or a corrosion-resistant part for a marine-based wind turbine, you can rely on our more than 10 years of experience in CNC machining energy industry parts and components.
Depuis la fin des années 1960, le processus automatisé de la CNC est utilisé pour produire des pièces toujours plus précises. Combinez cela avec notre expérience continue de travail avec les derniers alliages et matières premières, et vous commencez à comprendre pourquoi notre usinage CNC de pétrole et de gaz, d'équipements électriques, nucléaires, d'éoliennes et d'énergie solaire est devenu la marque d'excellence de l'industrie.
Solutions d'usinage à service complet dans tous les secteurs énergétiques
De la construction de machines sur mesure et de la rétro-ingénierie à l'usinage et au fraisage 5 axes. Notre installation de 72 000 pieds carrés à Ephrata, en Pennsylvanie, est équipée pour répondre à tous les besoins en équipements et projets de votre entreprise. En tant que petite entreprise certifiée ISO 9001 et AS9100 avec des représentants du service client de premier ordre et des ingénieurs et des machinistes pleinement qualifiés. Essai est votre atelier d'usinage à guichet unique.
In addition to the services previously mentioned. We're fully experienced in working with all metals and alloys, have complete in-house inspection capabilities and supply expedited delivery services and job tracking on all orders — regardless of the size of the project.
If your business prides itself on being a reliable part of the energy sector. The smartest decision you can make is to let Essai be your number one choice for all your machining needs. We know our ongoing success is fully reliant on meeting the expectations of our clients. Contact us now to learn more about how our precision and efficiency mean value to you.