
Rumah> Blog > Panduan Stamping Stainless-Steel Terbaik 2020 (Perusahaan Stamping Logam Top China)

Panduan Stamping Stainless-Steel Terbaik 2020 (Perusahaan Stamping Logam Top China)


How stainless-steel is best metal to use in metal stamping?

Stainless Steel Stamping

Nowadays we can see the different objects that have created with the help of Stamping Baja Tahan Karat. From our household items to industrial goods there are hundreds of kinds of objects which manufacturers are creating using stamping.

Although all materials have their specific features but stainless steel is best among all the other metals and materials. Moreover, Stamping Baja Tahan Karat has become the world’s best technique from small gauge components to large and heavy products.

Additionally, stainless steel has extremely great features and provides precision parts whether they are complex or simple. Let’s have a deep look about the stamping and its benefits while using the metal of stainless steel.

What is stamping?

Stamping is actually the process of creating the products of different materials. This is also known as pressing. Basically, it is the process of putting the flat or plane sheets of specific materials inside a stamping press. In this stamping press these special materials have shaped into particular designs.

So, stamping is the process of forming some particular shapes of different materials according to your needs and demands. Although manufacturers most commonly use metals but there are also different kinds of materials which have used in stamping. For example, polystyrene.

However, metal stamping has got popularity among all the other materials because of their fascinating benefits.

What is metal stamping? Stamping Baja Tahan Karat

Metal stamping is the same process of manufacturing different shapes by using the metal with the help of stamping. Basically, it is a complicated process which has included several types of metal techniques. Furthermore, these complex forming techniques are,


  • Bending
  • Blanking
  • Piercing

Stainless-Steel Stamping is actually the famous type of metal stamping. However, there are several types of materials which have used in metal stamping.

5 most common metals which have used in metal stampings?

Although there are numerous metals which manufacturers are using in stamping machines to create different items. And these 5 most common metals stampings are:

  • Steel Stamping
  • Aluminum Stamping
  • Brass Stamping
  • Polystyrene Stamping
  • Automotive Stamping.

What is Stamping Baja Tahan Karat ?

Basically, stainless steel is a unique alloy of steel. Moreover, by mass it has minimum of 10.5% chromium content. Today it has become one of the most beneficial alloys because it is corrosion resistant.

However, Stamping Baja Tahan Karat also has the additional advantage of staining resistance. Stainless steel has become manufacturers favorite metal due to its extremely good gloss. In addition, by using stainless steel manufacturers can get their required shape more easily.

Stainless-Steel Stamping suppliers

In fact, it has a perfect hardness which is ideal to shape it in desired shaped. Additionally, the stainless-steel products have great durability and get less damage even in tough using. I think most of us did not know that actually there are different variations in the stainless-steel alloy.

Namun, tipe paling umum yang digunakan para industrialis untuk membuat barang-barang yang menggemaskan adalah Stainless Steel Seri 300. Ini adalah salah satu jenis seri baja tahan karat terbaik dan terpopuler. Selain itu, baja tahan karat seri 400 juga tersedia yang juga memiliki keunggulan luar biasa.

Tetapi pabrikan dengan cepat menggunakan paduan baja Seri 300 karena keuntungannya yang luar biasa.

Mengapa produsen lebih memilih Stamping Baja Tahan Karat ?

Sebagian besar industrialis lebih memilih Stamping Baja Tahan Karat  karena tahan korosi dan sangat ringan. Namun terlepas dari semua ini, baja tahan karat memiliki kekuatan yang ideal. Selain itu,

  • tersedia dengan mudah
  • sangat hemat biaya.

Untuk membuatnya lebih fleksibel dan menarik, pabrikan memanfaatkan,

  • baja kosong
  • baja kumparan.

Produsen industri sangat memilih untuk menggunakan komponen yang dibuat dengan menggunakan stamping logam stainless steel. Karena komponen ini menyediakan,

  • ketahanan korosi yang lebih baik
  • rentang hidup yang lebih besar (hampir 10 hingga 12 tahun).

Selain itu, paduan baja tahan karat yang paling bermanfaat juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menahan perlakuan penting berikut ini. Seperti,

  1. gambar kawat
  2. peledakan pasir
  • lapisan
  1. memoles
  2. pemolesan elektrolitik dan sebagainya.

Padahal, baja tahan karat memiliki kekuatan yang besar untuk menahan temperatur tinggi. Ia juga memiliki lapisan kromium oksida yang kaya di permukaannya. Jadi, ini sangat tahan korosi.

3 jenis baja populer yang digunakan untuk Stamping Baja Tahan Karat

Basically, in Stainless-Steel Stamping, manufacturers use different types of stainless-steels. All of them are important and favorable for several different industries. Automotive manufacturers are rapidly using high grade stainless steel for high temperature components.


Generally, the amount of carbon in stainless-steel makes it enable for different industries. For example, the manufacturers which make surgical tools and pocket knives mostly use stainless-steel that has great amount of carbon.

The good features of carbon make it specific for several uses. Moreover, carbon makes it highly hardened even in high heating processes. However, there are three basic kinds of stainless-steels which manufacturers are successfully using in Stamping Baja Tahan Karat. For instance:

  1. Ferritic
  2. Austenitik

Stainless Steel Stamping


Tak salah jika dikatakan bahwa ferric grade sangat ideal untuk komponen otomotif. Padahal, dalam industri otomotif kita membutuhkan keduanya

  • tahan panas
  • tahan korosi.

Sebenarnya, nilai feritik tidak mengandung nikel. Selain itu, ini bersifat magnetis dan terdiri dari sifat mampu bentuk yang sangat baik.

Aplikasi feritik yang terkenal:

  • pengering
  • mesin pencuci piring
  • sistem pembuangan mobil dan banyak lagi.

Jenis khusus adalah:

  • 409
  • 439


Nilai Austenitik telah menjadi salah satu jenis yang paling populer karena kualitas gambarnya yang dalam. Jenis baja tahan karat ini sebenarnya terdiri dari karbon rendah. Jadi, karena kualitasnya yang bagus ini sangat ideal untuk Stamping Baja Tahan Karat  untuk membuat barang-barang rumah tangga.

Faktanya, baja Austenitik memiliki kemampuan cetakan terbesar. Oleh karena itu, ini adalah yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan kelas baja tahan karat lainnya. Selain itu, ia memiliki jumlah ideal nikel, kromium dan banyak paduan penting lainnya.

Ini sangat lentur, jadi Austenitik sangat ideal digunakan untuk peralatan dapur atau rumah.

Aplikasi terkenal Austeniti c:

  • peralatan Rumah tangga
  • penggorengan lemak dalam
  • wastafel dapur
  • beberapa komponen bentukan dalam lainnya, dll.

Jenis khusus adalah:

  • 304
  • 304L
  • Dan 316


Jika kita membandingkan baja tahan karat martensitik dengan dua kelas baja di atas, kita menemukan bahwa,

  1. Ini sangat tidak cocok untuk peregangan
  2. Itu tidak sempurna digunakan untuk tujuan menggambar.

Moreover, it is extremely strong and much harder. It is fragile, hard and brittle. In spite of all these facts, it is harder to weld and transform in specific shape during Stainless-Steel Stamping.

Generally, martensitic is similar in many features to the above grades but it has great amounts of carbon. In fact, it is highly heat resistance.

Aplikasi terkenal Martensitic:

  • tweezers
  • pockets knives
  • razor blades
  • surgical tools
  • plastic injection methods
  • ball bearings and much more.

Jenis khusus adalah:

Its greatly popular kind is 420.


We have tried to explain you the most beneficial uses of stainless-steel alloy in metal stamping. Furthermore, it has really advantageous features to use in residential accessories as well as in industrial equipment. Actually, stainless-steel is extremely useful in Stainless-Steel Stamping. 

Additionally, stainless-steel metal is

  • corrosion resistant
  • cost effective
  • has great durability
  • and has long life spans.

So, for ideal metal stamping, stainless-steel is highly reliable.

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