Acasă> Sudare prin frecare (FSW)

Sudare prin frecare (FSW)

Sudare prin frecare (FSW)este o tehnologie avansată de sudare în fază solidă. Aportul de căldură în timpul sudării este mic, metalul nu se topește și nu există o ardere elementară. Pentru o conexiune de înaltă calitate a materialelor metalice precum aluminiu, magneziu, oțel, titan și materiale compozite cu matrice metalică.

Friction Stir Welding

Our company is mainly engaged in special CNC processing (friction stir welding, vacuum brazing), friction welding stirrer, brazing flux, and special welding technology application and promotion in various emerging industries. Provide a total solution to meet product needs. At the same time, there is a production base in Shenzhen.

In the field of metal material welding and processing, we have various experts who have in-depth knowledge of metal applications, thermal calculations and radiator product manufacturing. From controlling alloy composition to improving the manufacturing process to meet the needs of various customers, including material selection, heat dissipation scheme design, strength calculation, mechanical processing, welding process, product surface treatment, product assembly, etc., to achieve batch product stability and efficiency, Reduce cost control, etc.

Customers cover various industries: including AVIC, China Shipbuilding Heavy Industries, and other military units. Huawei, Chuangxin Laser, CRRC, Siemens, BYD, Tesla, etc.

Technical characteristics of friction stir welding:

  • High-efficiency welding of aluminum, magnesium, lead, copper, steel, titanium, metal matrix composite materials, dissimilar metals and other materials can be achieved.
  • It can be automated, with low energy consumption, high efficiency, and low requirements on operating environment.
  • No need to add welding wire, no shielding gas, low cost.
  • No pollution, no smoke, no radiation, safe and green.
  • The residual stress of the joint is low, and the welding deformation is small.

Equipment functions and features:

  • The main structure is made of high-strength and high-quality castings. After multiple heat treatments and aging treatments, it has ultra-high rigidity, stability and good seismic performance to meet the large load requirements of the welding process.
  • Equipped with a special control system for friction stir welding based on the Siemens system, which can realize one-key welding operation of planar two-dimensional curve welds.
  • Equipped with manual control and automatic control of two welding operation modes; constant displacement and constant pressure dual-mode control mode.
  • Pleasant professional friction stir welding operation interface, using standard industrial CNC programming language, convenient for welding programming.
  • It can be equipped with an automatic loading and unloading system to realize fully automated welding and improve the annual work utilization rate of the equipment.
  • Reliable central centralized lubrication system realizes the central control intermittent automatic lubrication of each motion axis.
  • Weldable 1-25mm aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy, 1-8mm copper alloy material.
  • Dispozitiv de iluminat de lucru cu LED cu economie de energie verde.

Aplicarea industriei

Utilizat pe scară largă în cercetarea științifică și în diverse industrii:

1. Industria de automobile: jante din aliaj de aluminiu, tăvi de baterii, furtune răcite cu apă, osii spate, panouri de caroserie, caroserii auto goale tighelite, structuri de spumă de aluminiu, etc
2. Putere industria electronică: radiatoare înotătoare, radiatoare lichid răcit din nou , de căldură chiuvete, plăci răcite cu apă, cutii răcite cu apă etc.
3. Industria trenurilor: caroseria vehiculului, peretele lateral, podeaua, acoperișul, suportul, cuplajul etc.
4. Industria armei: cilindru torpilă, carcasă de rachete, corp blindat și integrat terminal de afișare etc.
5. Industria topiturii: fascicul conductiv catodic, placă catodică, placă anodică etc.

Documente conexe: Sudare prin frecare prin amestecare

Essai, a global professional provider of "overall solution" for friction stir welding

Mixing head

  • Single shoulder mixer head.
  • Double shoulder mixer.
  • Static shoulder mixer head.
  • Home ꄲ uniaxial shoulder mixer.
  • Uniaxial shoulder mixer.

Uniaxial shoulder mixer

Friction stir welding tool (mixing head) is one of the core technologies to realize friction stir welding, which is known as the "heart" of friction stir welding. As a professional mixing head manufacturer, we have a high-level mixing head design team, advanced production, and processing equipment, and leading heat treatment and testing technology. In view of different materials, thicknesses and welding methods, our company have successfully developed a variety of specifications and a series of mixing heads.

Standardization and serialization of mixing head

After years of process exploration and accumulation, our company has standardized hundreds of mixing heads, which are suitable for welding all series of aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, copper alloy, as well as some brands of high-temperature alloy steel and titanium alloy materials; the weld forms include flat straight seam, plane two-dimensional, cylinder circular seam, cylinder longitudinal seam, space curved seam, intersecting line and other welds; the welding forms include butt joint, lap joint, etc Welding, butt joint, unequal thickness welding, double-sided welding, angle welding, and other welding forms.

Capul de amestecare standardizat este un cap de amestecare în serie dezvoltat pentru utilizare în masă pe piață. Principalii săi clienți sunt produse de sudură stabile pe termen lung. Schimbarea structurii produsului nu afectează utilizarea capului de amestecare, iar condițiile de utilizare nu se modifică semnificativ. Domeniile de aplicare tipice ale capului de amestecare standardizat includ: piese noi pentru vehicule cu energie (tavă pentru baterii, pachet de baterii, placă răcită cu apă, radiator, butuc), tren de cale ferată (corpul vehiculului, perete lateral, podea, acoperiș, grindă de traverse, placă de cuplare etc. .), electronice de putere (radiator cu aripioare, radiator răcit cu lichid, radiator etc.)


Compania are instrumente standardizate de sudare prin frecare
Număr de serie Materiale de sudură aplicabile Caracteristici de sudură aplicabile Forma de sudare aplicabilă Grosimea sudurii Potrivit pentru produse Sudabilitate maximă
1 Aliaj din aluminiu Flat seam
Two-dimensional plane
Casing annulus
Longitudinal joint of cylinder
Lap joint
Lap lap
Unequal thickness welding
Double sided welding
1~60mm Battery tray
Water cooled plate
Wallboard products
Cylinder products
Box products
2 magnesium alloy 1~20mm 2.0m/min
3 Copper alloy 1~15mm 1.0m/min
4 Lead alloy 1~30mm 1.0m/min
5 Superalloy steel 1~10mm 0.5m/min


1. It can achieve efficient welding of aluminum, magnesium, lead, copper, steel, titanium, metal matrix composite materials, dissimilar metals, and other materials.

2. It can be automated, with low energy consumption, high efficiency, and low requirements on the operating environment.

3. No need to add welding wire, no protective gas, low cost.

4. No pollution, no smoke, no radiation, safe and green.

5. The residual stress of the joint is low, and the welding deformation is small.

Friction Stir Welding (FSW) used in many industries

  • Automotive industry: aluminum alloy wheels, battery trays, water-cooled sleeves, rear axles, car body panels, stitched blank car bodies, aluminum foam structures, etc.
  • Power electronics industry: finned radiators, liquid-cooled radiators, heat sinks, water-cooled plates, water-cooled boxes, etc.
  • Weapon industry: torpedo barrel, missile shell, armored body and integrated display terminal, etc.
  • Smelting industry: cathode conductive beam, cathode plate, anode plate, etc.

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