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How to understand the basics of plastic molds


The plastic mold includes a cavity with a variable cavity composed of a cavity combination substrate, a cavity component, and a cavity combination card. A convex die with a variable core composed of a side-section composite plate. Plastic mold processing plays an important role in the release of new industrial products. Today Jiehui Chuangxiaobian will take you to understand some basic knowledge of plastic molds.

1. Resin sintetis merupakan komponen utama plastik, dan kandungannya dalam plastik umumnya 40% sampai 100%. Karena kandungannya yang besar, dan sifat resin sering kali menentukan sifat plastik, orang sering menganggap resin sebagai sinonim dari plastik. Misalnya, resin polivinil klorida dan plastik polivinil klorida, resin fenolik dan plastik fenolik dicampur. Faktanya, resin dan plastik adalah dua konsep yang berbeda. Resin adalah polimer murni yang belum diproses yang tidak hanya digunakan untuk membuat plastik, tetapi juga bahan mentah untuk pelapis, perekat, dan serat sintetis. Selain sebagian kecil plastik yang mengandung resin 100%, sebagian besar plastik, selain resin komponen utama, perlu menambahkan zat lain.

2. Filler Filler is also called filler, which can improve the strength and heat resistance of plastics and reduce costs. For example, adding wood powder to phenolic resin can greatly reduce the cost, making phenolic plastic one of the cheap plastics, and at the same time, it can significantly improve the mechanical strength. Fillers can be divided into two types: organic fillers and inorganic fillers, the former such as wood flour, rags, paper and various fabric fibers, and the latter such as glass fiber, diatomite, asbestos, carbon black and the like.

3. Plasticizer Plasticizer can increase the plasticity and softness of plastic, reduce brittleness, and make plastic easy to process. Plasticizers are generally high-boiling organic compounds that are miscible with resins, non-toxic, odorless, and stable to light and heat. Phthalates are commonly used. For example, when producing polyvinyl chloride plastics, if more plasticizers are added, soft polyvinyl chloride plastics can be obtained. If no or less plasticizers are added (dosage <10%), rigid polyvinyl chloride plastics can be obtained. .

4. Stabilizers In order to prevent synthetic resins from being decomposed and destroyed by light and heat during processing and use, and extend the service life, stabilizers must be added to plastics. Commonly used are stearates and epoxy resins.

5. Pewarna Pewarna dapat membuat plastik memiliki berbagai warna cerah dan indah. Pewarna organik dan pigmen anorganik biasanya digunakan sebagai pewarna.

6. Pelumas Fungsi pelumas adalah untuk mencegah plastik menempel pada cetakan logam pada saat pengecoran, sekaligus membuat permukaan plastik menjadi halus dan indah. Pelumas yang biasa digunakan adalah asam stearat beserta garam kalsium dan magnesiumnya. Selain zat aditif di atas, penghambat api, zat pembusa, zat antistatis, dll. Dapat ditambahkan ke plastik.


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