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Ce înseamnă ștanțarea tablelor și proceselor implicate


Concept de ștanțare a tablelor și procese conexe

Sheet metal is one of the most stable materials used in the infrastructure project. However, it must first be pressed and molded in a process called sheet metal stamping in order to achieve the effect desired for the construction project. sheet metal as one of the stable materials for any project is one of the common approaches. To make it work efficiently; however, you will need to understand the concept of stamping sheet metal and how they work in the production process. There are various steps and options that are used for everyone, and all of them will change the way you use the board.


Ideea de bază este să ai o mașină sau să folosești o procedură care presează metalul în forma corectă. Există mai multe tipuri de ștanțare care vor afecta metalul și rezultatele obținute în moduri diferite. Configurația unui metal prin îndoire, înfășurare, țesere, perforare sau acoperire sunt câteva dintre formele comune care sunt utilizate pentru tablă. Fiecare dintre tipurile de ștanțare utilizate va avea proceduri diferite care sunt combinate cu materialul de bază pentru a obține rezultatele corecte și cea mai eficientă formă a metalului.

Când începeți să lucrați cu ștanțarea tablelor, veți observa că sunt utilizate diferite proceduri, în funcție de formele pe care doriți să le creați. În unele cazuri, ștanțarea va trece printr-o mașină care schimbă automat forma metalului cu o singură ștanțare. În alte cazuri, este necesar să se utilizeze mai mulți pași, fiecare dintre care va continua să redefinească metalul în forma dorită și să creeze un rezultat diferit și mai complex pentru material.

The latest development, which is used with stamping sheet metal, is known as simulation. This is a technology that was created in order to ensure the manufacture of metal in certain forms, while giving a sense of consistency to the created forms. The technology used combines various elements that work with metal to automatically change the formation of metal while protecting dysfunctions that may occur in the metal when used with alternative procedures.

Types of equipment used in stamping sheet metal

There are two types of equipment in stamping sheet metal: hydraulic and mechanical presses.

Hydraulic presses use hydraulics to create a force that the operator can control. They could process anything from 20 tons to several thousand tons. They are effective in providing the expected power and are best used for deep drawing, molding (the type of force, not type of displacement), and coating or molding.

On the other hand, mechanical presses use a mechanical flywheel, which can supply the energy necessary to provide the necessary effort when it comes time to pierce any material. Their size varies from 20 to 6000 tons. Those wishing to perform surface drainage and semi-finished products at a much higher speed should use mechanical presses instead of hydraulic ones.

In this operation, the board is trimmed and then formed into a preferred shape. Although several different types of special machines can be used in the stamping process from sheet metal, the three most important basic elements are needed: a stamping mold, a stamping press, and the sheet metal from which the part will be made.

How does the stamping sheet metal process work?

The basic concept of stamping a sheet metal is the use of a machine for pressing metal to a given shape. The shapes can be simple, like a ring, like washers, and of different widths. More complex forms include spirals and electrical contacts in various forms. The metal sheets are usually formed by bending, embossing, weaving, coating, coating, and piercing. Each method gives the metal a different purpose, and often two or more methods are used to achieve the desired shape.

As today's electronic and infrastructural technologies change so quickly, the need for specialized sources increases dramatically. More complex Stamping Sheet Metal procedures must be performed to create a spring or wheel that serves a specific purpose in a structure or machine.

Most finished products are created on one machine in one process. Nevertheless, more and more stampings are carried out in several stages, which redefine the metal in the desired shape, at the same time its strength and durability. In recent developments, the stamping process is carried out by simulation. Through this process, the final metal products are obtained in perfect shape and with consistent quality.

Most Stamping Sheet Metal operations include cold stamping, with the exception of the specialized Stamping Sheet Metal method, commonly known as hot stamping. Essentially, this means that heat is not intentionally introduced into the sheet or mold. It is important to remember that although stamping is a cold stamping process, heat is generated. Cutting / forming sheets creates friction between the mold and the metal, similar to the heat and friction that occurs when rubbing hands. Since heat is generated by friction during cutting and molding, when stamped parts come out of the molds, they are often very hot.

O înțelegere exactă a acestui tip de ștanțare este importantă pentru companiile care fac lucrurile de mărimea unui microcip și pentru cei care produc lucruri de dimensiunea unei caroserii pentru diferite modele de mașini. Aceștia ar putea avea propriile mașini și echipamente pentru ștanțarea tablelor de metal sau ar putea angaja doar serviciile companiilor de ștanțare a metalelor care ar putea produce piesele necesare și le vor livra produsele finite. Există mulți alți factori importanți de luat în considerare atunci când tipăriți ștampile. Deoarece ștanțarea tablelor metalice este un proces de producție foarte obișnuit în industrie, cel mai bine este ca companiile să aibă echipamentul și cunoștințele necesare pentru a finaliza cu acuratețe și acuratețe această operațiune.


Whether you are working on automotive parts or you need sheet metal for a specific project, this is an opportunity to improve the material you need. The stamping sheet metal is one of the common approaches for modifying and modeling metal, so it can help you with any project. The production, design, and use of this material becomes easier to use and gives you a suitable fit when working on various parts and projects.

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