Die Fabrication
Stamping die is special process equipment for processing materials (metal or non-metal) into parts (or semi-finished products) in cold stamping processing. It is called cold stamping die (commonly known as cold stamping die). Stamping is a pressure processing method that uses the mold installed on the press to press the material at room temperature to cause separation or plastic deformation to obtain the required parts. The modernization of die fabrication technology is the basis for the development of the mold industry.
With the development of science and technology, advanced technologies such as computer technology, information technology, and automation technology are constantly infiltrating, intersecting, and integrating into traditional manufacturing technologies, and transforming them to form advanced manufacturing technologies. The new tapping technology in stamping die has led many stamping manufacturers to reduce the cost and caused a rush of buying.
The die fabrication is classified according to the degree of process combination. It can be divided into single process mold, composite mold, progressive mold, robotic mold.
- Single process dies In one stroke of the press, only one stamping process is completed.
- Compound mold There is only one station. In one stroke of the press, two or more stamping processes are completed at the same station at the same time.
- progressive die (also known as continuous die) In the feed direction of the blank, there are two or more stations. During one stroke of the press, two or two passes are successively completed at different stations. The die for the above stamping process.
- The manipulator mold combines the characteristics of the single-process mold and the progressive mold. Using the manipulator transfer system to achieve the rapid in-mold transfer of the product can greatly improve the production efficiency of the product, reduce the production cost of the product, save material costs, and have stable quality reliability.
Essai Production Capacity
Essai can produce 35 sets of molds below 300T, 10 sets of molds from 300T to 600T. And 4 sets of molds from 400-1000T. Among them, 60% are continuous molds, 30% are robot molds, and 10% are single-process molds. The PO will make the project schedule according to the client's node requirements for the first time. Then follow-up with each node of the schedule for project progress control. The project engineer will update the project schedule on a weekly basis and prepare a PPT weekly report to report the project progress to the client. 21 qualifications Deep mold fitters, from mold assembly to mold debugging, professional technology and effective solutions make customers satisfied with mold quality, product quality, and delivery.
Kallëpet tona automobilistike ofrojnë kallëpe me cilësi të lartë për markat e njohura të automobilave në të gjithë botën. Moulds eksportohen kryesisht në Amerikën e Veriut, Kanada, Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Gjermania, Franca, Sllovakia, Polonia dhe vendet e tjera. Në të njëjtën kohë, ne gjithashtu ofrojmë shërbime vulosjeje për klientët. , Jaguar, Tesla, GM, Nissan, Ford, Honda, etj.
Softueri inxhinierik:
- Formë automatike (R7)
- Auto CAD
Formatet CAD:
Shërbimet inxhinierike:
- Përpunimi i RFQ-së tuaj
- Simulimi
- Dizajni i faqosjes së shiritave
- Dizajni i strukturës së ngordhur
- Modifikimi
14 prodhues profesionistë të mjeteve që punojnë në mjetin Essai për montimin dhe modifikimin e vdesin. Saktësia e lartë dhe profesionale u japin klientëve kënaqësi në cilësinë e vdesin / cilësinë dhe kohën.
1. QA jonë profesionale, serioze përdor sistemin e pajisur mirë të testimit për të siguruar cilësinë e vdesit dhe cilësinë e pjesëve.
2. Raporti i matjes do t'i dërgojë klientit pas çdo prove.
3. Të pajisur me një ekip profesional të shërbimit teknik, me përvojë, teknologji të shkëlqyeshme dhe shërbim në kohë të vendosur, bëhen një mbështetje solide për kompaninë për të fituar tregun!
Material stock is of many materials, including carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass even plastics.
Mirë se vini për të filluar biznesin tuaj tani!
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