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Prelucrarea produselor alimentare


Producătorii de echipamente de prelucrare a alimentelor se confruntă cu unele dintre cele mai înalte standarde în ceea ce privește controlul calității și problemele de salubrizare. La urma urmei, tot mai mulți americani consumă alimente gata preparate și preparate. În plus, există un număr tot mai mare de consumatori cu alergeni pe bază de alimente. Drept urmare, sănătatea publică este o prioritate absolută pentru cei implicați direct în industria alimentară, precum și pentru cei a căror misiune este să fabrice și să deservească echipamentele de procesare a alimentelor din industrie.

While a majority of consumers may not give it much thought, the food industry and the standards that govern its operations have undergone dramatic changes over the past decades. This is in large part due to the fact that our knowledge of foodborne contaminants, pathogens and allergens has been greatly enhanced by scientific research and reporting.

These concerns, as they apply to food processing equipment standards, culminated in the Food and Drug Administration convening a working group through the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. This working group is tasked with reviewing and updating the Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP). Among other things, the CGMP calls for strict controls, training, and record-keeping so that processes such as sanitation procedures and quality checks include all food processing equipment and surfaces that come into contact with any foods.

Food Processing Machining

For food companies, this means their processing equipment must be fully compliant with the FDA’s CGMP regulations. For this reason, they need equipment and parts manufacturers. They informed about those regulations and can deliver products that are fully compliant. That’s why Essai, Inc. is such a trusted leader in the manufacturing and machining of food processing equipment and parts.

CNC Machining for the Food Industry

From industrial mixers to microbe-resistant conveyors. The food industry employs one of the widest varieties of processing equipment used in large-scale production enterprises. When even one part of a production line goes down because of equipment failure. It can spell disaster for a company’s bottom line.

Fortunately, for more than 30 years. Essai has been refining its use of computer numeric control (CNC) machining to supply the food industry with a fast, safe and cost-effective service. It's not uncommon for one of our clients to come to us with nothing more than a broken part. Then we reverse-engineer to create a replacement part. In addition, we’re skilled at generating CAD models. So even if the part is from a custom piece of food processing equipment, ordering future replacement parts is fast, easy and affordable.

Design and Manufacturing of the Highest Quality

Fie că este vorba de viteza și precizia oferite de prelucrarea și frezarea noastră pe cinci axe. Sau experiența noastră extinsă folosind o gamă largă de materiale și aliaje asociate echipamentelor de procesare a alimentelor. Vă oferim rezultatele pe care le căutați într-o perioadă de timp care vă menține în afaceri.

Pentru cea mai înaltă calitate, valoare și servicii, Essai este alegerea de încredere a industriei alimentare. Contactați-ne astăzi pentru a afla mai multe despre ce putem face pentru afacerea dvs.

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